Entry Point: Running IHMC Software

This page is intended to be an entry point for anyone trying to run IHMC Robotics software. There is a vast variety of ways to get to running our software, so this page will never be perfect.

If you are an IHMC employee, intern, or volunteer, please see also the onboarding guide.

Help Wanted

Our content is always looking for improvement. If there is something we missed, could be better clarified, or incorrect/out-of-date information, please feel free to modify these pages or ask someone on the team to help.


Getting Help

Knowing how to get help is the most important part of getting setup.

To get help, please sign into our Slack workspace and use the #help-desk channel.

Please post screenshots, stacktraces, logs and error messages if at all possible.

Following these guidelines are important to:

  • Get the quickest help - Everyone on the team now has the opportunity to instantly provide help.
  • Get the most thorough answer, with opportunity for review by others
  • Allow for someone to link you to a Confluence page with the solution
  • Provide a searchable history for answers
  • Make it easy to then document the solution on Confluence
  • Inform the team about what you are working on; trying to do, etc.

Asking for help on Slack is especially better than asking someone to come to your desk and look at your issue. Of course, that is fine occasionally.

Guide Directory

Below are some guides to using IHMC robotics software. Pick one or use a little bit of each to get up to speed according to your needs.

/wiki/spaces/Onboarding/pages/52035586 - Nick, Dex supports this guide.

/wiki/spaces/Onboarding/pages/53248022 - Nick, Dex supports this guide.

General Development Environment Setup Guide - Most flexibility, least hand-holding. Pick your tools with tips and tricks. Duncan supports this guide.

Simulation Construction Set and Controller Tutorials - Sylvain supports this guide. It uses Eclipse as the IDE.

Out of date

Don't use these guides. However they are here as an index and historical reference.

Beginner Quick Start: Hex Runner Simulation (DO NOT USE)* - On rails, Eclipse IDE. Simplest, fastest way to get SCS running a robot simulation. (* out of date)

Dynamic Walking 2018 Workshop Tutorial - Not maintained.

Simulation Construction Set Tutorials on Confluence - Not maintained. This was the original SCS tutorial.

Simulation Construction Set Tutorials on Github IO - Not maintained, out of date, but probably the prettiest SCS tutorial.

IHMC Robotics Github IO - Taken down now. It was not maintained and completely out of date.