Library Version Upgrade Regular Expressions
Library Version Upgrade Regular Expressions
Upgrading dependencies can be extremely time consuming and error prone with as many project as we have. A good solution for now is to use regular expressions.
Replacing normal project dependency versions
This regular expression uses "group values" in its replacement string. The $
# identifiers select the parts of the initial regular expression in parenthesis.
Replace "ihmc-commons" with your library name.
(us\.ihmc[ \t\x0B\S]*:[ \t\x0B\S]*ihmc-commons[ \t\x0B:"a-zA-Z),-]*)([0-9\.-a-zA-Z]+)("|') (org\.apache\.commons[ \t\x0B\S]*:[ \t\x0B\S]*commons-lang3[ \t\x0B:"a-zA-Z),-]*)([0-9\.-a-zA-Z]+)("|') $1<version>$3
Replacing Gradle plugin versions
(us\.ihmc[ \t\x0B\S\.]*ihmc-build[ \t\x0B:"a-zA-Z)]*)([0-9\.-a-zA-Z]+)("|') $1<version>$3 <-- If using IntelliJ \1<version>\3 <-- If using Kate
Using Kate to do this
IntelliJ can't search replace in a folder.
Must disable "Append newline at end of file on save" and restart Kate.
Instead of $1
, it's \1
for the replacement.
Use search in folder with filter like (*gradle*), click Search, Replace Checked, Save All.
Replacing GAV Dependency Syntax
compile[ \t\x0B]+group[ \t\x0B]*:[ \t\x0B]*(?:"|')([\w\.-]+)(?:"|')[ \t\x0B]*,[ \t\x0B]*name[ \t\x0B]*:[ \t\x0B]*(?:"|')([\w\.-]+)(?:"|')[ \t\x0B]*,[ \t\x0B]*version[ \t\x0B]*:[ \t\x0B]*(?:"|')([\w\.-]+)(?:"|') compile\("$1:$2:$3"\) OR (maybe) api\("$1:$2:$3"\) # Replacing "compile ihmc.sourceSetProject("blah")" # detecting kts dependencies ependencies[ \t\x0B\S]*\{ # detecting "::" syntax \"[\s\:\-\w\.]+\" (compile|implementation|api|runtime)[ \t\x0B]*\([ \t\x0B]*\"[\s\-\w\.]+:[\s\:\-\w\.]+\" # replacing compile("::") with api("::") (compile|implementation|api|runtime)([ \t\x0B]*\([ \t\x0B]*\"[\s\-\w\.]+:[\s\:\-\w\.]+\") api$2 # replacing compile "::" with api("::") (compile|implementation|api|runtime)[ \t\x0B]*(\"[\s\-\w\.]+:[\s\:\-\w\.]+\") api($2)
Upgrading JUnit 5
IHMCCIPlugin.kt ihmc-ci/buildSrc/build.gradle.kts ihmc-build/build.gradle.kts
Proofing for Gradle 6
buildscript \{ pluginManagement \{\n plugins \{\n id\(\"us\.ihmc\.ihmc\-build\"\) version \"0\.23\.0\"\n \}\n\}\n\nbuildscript \{
Miscellaneous other regular expressions of little value
Replace: (us\.ihmc[ \t\x0B\S\.]*libraryname[ \t\x0B:"a-zA-Z)]*)([0-9\.-]+)("|') with: $1<version>$3 Examples: (us\.ihmc[ \t\x0B\S\.]*ihmc-ci[ \t\x0B:"a-zA-Z)]*)([0-9\.-a-zA-Z]+)("|') (us\.ihmc[ \t\x0B\S\.]*simulation-construction-set[ \t\x0B:"a-zA-Z)]*)([0-9\.-a-zA-Z]+)("|') Removing ROS2Tools.typeNamedTopic ROS2Tools\.typeNamedTopic\(([a-zA-Z.,-]*)\)[ \t\n\r]*\.withTopic\(([()a-zA-Z._,-]*)\)\) $2.withTypeName($1))
, multiple selections available,
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