IHMC Behavior System
This software is in active development and will undergo breaking changes. Duncan Calvert (dcalvert@ihmc.org) is the primary maintainer. This software is only meant to be used when working in direct collaboration with IHMC personnel.
Setup IHMC Java development environment and be able to run simulations.
Entry Point: Running IHMC SoftwareAccess to the Nadia private repository: https://github.com/ihmcrobotics/nadia
Repository group workspace building with the following repos:
ROS 2 Topic API
To connect with ROS 2, the following messages must be built in your workspace:
Message | Topic name | Description |
| Provides the state of the robot, environment objects, and list of available behaviors. | |
| TODO: We need to figure out what this should do. It should be used to manipulate and operate the behavior tree. |
with VM arguments-Dsimulation.mode=KINEMATICS_ONLY
, and-Dperception.enabled=false
It should look like this:Click Behavior Tree > Start from scratch > Root Node
Right click “Root”, Add Child Node… > AI2R Node.
At this point, the above topics will be active.