- Make sure the commit on which you perform the following task has the message:
:bookmark: X.X.X
- Commit and push tag named after the version
git tag X.X.X
git push origin X.X.X - This requires having publishUsername, publishPassword, and/or artifactoryUsername, and artifactoryPassword added to your gradle.properties.
See also Gradle.
If the project is open source, you will be publishing to /wiki/spaces/HOWTO/pages/14288924.
If the project is closed source, you will be publishing to /wiki/spaces/ADAA/pages/16975986.
Instructions are found in the IHMC Build README and . - Run
gradle publishAll -PpublishUrl=ihmcRelease
(from IHMC Build README) Note: You can do all of these things from Eclipse if you wish. For the gradle publish, Open Gradle Tasks, then right click on publish:
and select Open Gradle Run Configuration... Change the gradle task to publish -PpublishUrl=ihmcRelease. Apply and save this. This will now show up under the Run Configurations: - You can check that it worked by looking here: https://s01.oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/releases/us/ihmc/
and when it's actually resolvable by Gradle it'll show up here (this can take like 15 minutes): https://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2/us/ihmc/
or, if closed source, here: https://artifactory.ihmc.us/artifactory/webapp/#/artifacts/browse/tree/General/proprietary-releases